How to cancel a transaction?

There is a way to cancel pending transactions if you change your mind and choose not to complete the transaction. However, the only effective way to prevent an already (partially) signed transaction from not executing in the future is to execute an “empty” transaction at the same nonce. To create this empty cancellation transaction, you […]

Transaction Fees

What are transaction fees and why do I need to pay them? Any transaction made with Walliro incurs transaction fees. This includes: Asset transfers Settings changes (adding an owner, changing the threshold, etc.) DeFi Interactions (swapping tokens, locking funds in a DeFi protocol) These fees do not go to Walliro, but instead directly to the […]

Advanced parameters

When reviewing a transaction, there is a dropdown called “Advanced parameters” where you can inspect all transaction details. Clicking “Edit” allows you to adapt the values. Please refer to the next section for further details on the parameters and their meaning. Please also note that you can modify all parameters at any time. Advanced parameters […]

Supported asset types

Walliro can generally manage the same assets that you would be able to manage with wallets such as Metamask, Ledger or Tronlink . However, depending on the type of asset, some restrictions might apply. The following sections provide more details on this: Ether and ERC20 tokens Walliro supports Ether and all assets that fully comply […]

Add an existing Walliro

The list of added Walliros stored locally in your browser. This means there are a couple of cases where you want to add or load a new Walliro into the interface. These may include: Accessing your Walliro from a different device/browser Interacting with a Walliro where another party made you an owner adding any existing […]

How to create a Walliro ?

Walliro is a decentralize app, so it doesn’t need any subscription, sign-up, and login. It’s only necessary to select blockchain network, connect wallet and create or manage Walliros. The following is a brief description of the steps of creating the app: Connect a signer wallet To start creating a Walliro, you first have to connect […]

What is Walliro?

Most crypto users, for example those who hold ETH or BNB, are used to a single-key wallet, often referred to as an Externally Owned Account (EOA). Examples include; MetaMask, Trustwallet, Exodus, etc. These accounts are secured with a 12-word “seed phrase” that can become a private key for the user. If that private key is […]