How to create a Walliro ?

Walliro is a decentralize app, so it doesn’t need any subscription, sign-up, and login. It’s only necessary to select blockchain network, connect wallet and create or manage Walliros. The following is a brief description of the steps of creating the app:

Connect a signer wallet

To start creating a Walliro, you first have to connect a signer wallet (here’s why). We support a wide range of signer wallets that you can choose to interact with Walliro.

Depending on the network, make sure you have some native assets such as ETH in the wallet, as the Walliro deployment will cost some trasaction fees.

After connecting a wallet, you can start the process of setting up your Walliro by clicking on “Create New Walliro”. First, you’ll need to give a name to your new Walliro. This name is only stored locally on your computer and never shared with any third party.

Select signers

This step is important as the signers are the addresses that have permission to submit and approve transactions (you can later remove or replace these addresses). Your connected signer wallet is a suggestion for the first signer, but you can change it as well. Add as many signers as you want, either by pasting an Ethereum address or by entering an ENS name.

Please refer to this article for more information on which Walliro setup to use, i.e. which owner wallets, how many owner wallets and what threshold.

Define confirmation threshold

The last step is selecting how many signer confirmations a transaction or any settings change of your Walliro account requires before it is approved. Make sure to consider your setup carefully. If you do not have access to enough signers to reach the threshold, you won’t be able to recover your assets.

Review and deploy Walliro

After you have reviewed all parameters, you can submit the creation of your Walliro account and follow the instructions on the screen to finalize the account creation.

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